Episode 89: What’s the History of Teddy Bears?
Gary Cross. 2021. Kid’s Stuff: Toys and the Changing World of American Childhood.
Alice George. 2023. The Teddy Bear Was Once Seen as a Dangerous Influence on Young Children. Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-teddy-bear-once-seen-dangerous-influence-young-children-180983234/
National Park Service. 2023. The Story of the Teddy Bear. https://www.nps.gov/thrb/learn/historyculture/storyofteddybear.htm#:~:text=Morris%20Michtom%2C%20a%20Brooklyn%20candy,called%20it%20'Teddy's%20Bear'.
Steiff. A Legendary Invention: We Are The Inventors of the Teddy Bear. https://corporate.steiff.com/en/steiff-teddy/history/
Steiff. From the Past to the Present: The Steiff Story. https://corporate.steiff.com/en/company/history/
Michelle Brown. 2001. The Little History of the Teddy Bear. https://archive.org/details/littlehistoryoft0000brow/page/n7/mode/2up
Charles Moose (2016) Who Created Teddy? Teddy Bear and Friends Magazine March 2016. https://www.bearsandbuds.com/February2016/TB&FMar2016-p43-49.pdf
Pessamist’s Archive Newsletter Aug 7 2022. https://newsletter.pessimistsarchive.org/p/-pessimists-archive-newsletter
Louis Anslow July 13 2022.
Why “Great Replacement” Theories Tried to Cancel Teddy Bears. The Big Think https://bigthink.com/pessimists-archive/great-replacement-theory-teddy-bears/
Diane. D. Glave and Mark Stoll (eds). 2006. To Love the Wind and the Rain”: African Americans and Environmental History. p.ix
Donna Varga. 2009. Teddy’s Bear and the Sociocultural Transfiguration of Savage Beasts Into Innocent Children, 1890-1920. The Journal of American Culture, 32(2), 98–113.
From Brown, 2001.
Genuinely horrifying. From Brown, 2001.