Episode 91: Why Are All Famous Chefs men?


  • Lois W. Banner. 1973. Why Women Have Not Been Great Chefs. South Atlantic Quarterly 72 (2). 198-212.

  • Raimundo G. Del Moral. 2020. Gastronomic Paradigms in Contemporary Western Cuisine: From French Haute Cuisine to Mass Media Gastronomy. Frontiers in Nutrition 6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6965057/ 

  • Jose Albors-Garrigos, Majd Haddiji and Purificacion Garcia-Segovia. 2020. Gender discrimination in haute cuisine: A systematic literature and media analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management 89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102569

  • Jeffrey N. Brown. 2013. A Brief History of Culinary Arts Education in America. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education 17 (4). 47-54.

  • Deborah A. Harris and Patti Guiffre. 2015. Taking the Heat: Women Chefs and Gender Inequality in the Professional Kitchen.

  • Vivki A. Swinbank/ 2002. The Sexual Politics of Cooking: A Feminist Analysis of Culinary Hierarchy in Western Culture. Journal of Historical Sociology 15 (4). 464-494

  • Katie Rawson and Elliot Shore 2019. Dining Out. A Global History of Restaurants. 

  • Pete Wells on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. 2024.https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/07/dining/what-makes-a-50-best-restaurant.html

  • Pete Wells on Leaving Restaurant Reviewing. 2024. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/06/dining/pete-wells-how-restaurants-have-changed.html


Episode 92: The History of Yugoslavia Part One


Episode 90: What’s the Deal with Luddites?