Episode 25: Witch Trials
Moshe Sluhovsky, The Devil in the Convent, The American Historical Review 107(5) 2002. 1379-1411.
Michel de Certeau, The Possession at Loudun. 1990.
Brian A. Pavlac, Witch Hunts in the Western World: Persecution and Punishment from the Inquisition through the Salem Trials. 2009.
Bengt Ankaraloo, Stuart Clerk and William Monter, Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: The Period of the Witch Trials. 202.
The pact signed by Germain and the demons and stolen from Satan's very own filing cabinet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudun_possessions#/media/File:UrbainPact2.jpg
Episode 24: Quick Christmas Questions
Incomplete references:
Weintraub, Stanley 2001. Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas truce. London: Pocket
Mike Dash. 2011. The Story of the WW1 Christmas Truce. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-story-of-the-wwi-christmas-truce-11972213/
Rachel Foxley. 2015. Christmas Under Cromwell. https://unireadinghistory.com/2015/12/11/christmas-under-cromwell/
Episode 23: What’s the History of the Crimson Wave?
Elissa Stein and Susan Kim. 2009. Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation.
Rahul Wasserfall. 1999. Women and Water: Menstruation in Jewish Life and Law.
Janice Delaney, Mary Jane Lupton, Emily Toth. 1976. The Curse: A Cultural History of Menstruation.
Chris Knight. 1991. Blood Relations: Menstruation and the Origins of Culture.
Lara Friedenfelds. 2009. The Modern Period: Menstruation in Twenty-First Century America.
Sara Read. 2013. Menstruation and the Female Body in Early Modern England.
Glenda Lewin Hufnagal. 2012. A History of Women’s Menstruation from Ancient Greece to the Twenty-First Century: Psychological, Social, Religious, Medical and Educational Issues,
Helen King. 2014. The History of Tampons - in Ancient Greece? https://www.wondersandmarvels.com/2014/11/the-history-of-tampons-in-ancient-greece.html
Helen King. 2016. Period pains – have women always suffered from menstrual cramps? https://www.wondersandmarvels.com/2016/10/period-pains-have-women-always-suffered-from-menstrual-cramps.html
The Museum of Menstruation - www.mum.org.
Greg Jenner. 2015. History of Periods https://www.gregjenner.com/history-of-periods-and-tampons/
Episode 22: What’s the History of Albinism
Enrico Pasini. 2016. ‘A Prodigious Bodily Nature: Debates on Albinism 1609-1745. Natureza, causalidade e formas de corporeidade. 193-236. https://iris.unito.it/handle/2318/1632037#.W-bd3ZP7REY
Andrew Curran. 2009. ‘Rethinking Race History: The Role of the Albino in the French Enlightenment Life Sciences.’ History and Theory 43.9. 151-179.
Charles D. Martin. 2002. The White African American Body@ A Cultural and Literary Exploration.
Christopher Hohl and Matthias Krings. 2018. ‘Extraordinarily White: The De/Spectacularization of the Albinotic Body and the Normalization of Its Audience’ . In: Liebelt C., Böllinger S., Vierke U. (eds) Beauty and the Norm. Palgrave Studies in Globalization and Embodiment. 75-103
Vera Illugadóttir. 2015. “The Invasion of the Ice Family: That Time a Group of Albinos Drove Icelanders Crazy.” The Reykjavik Grapevine (15): 30. https://issuu.com/rvkgrapevine/docs/issue_15_2015_master_issuu_all
Tom Jack, The Ice King. https://www.thehumanmarvels.com/tom-jack-the-ice-king/
V. Ö. Vilhálmsson. 2013. Tom Jack and His Family. https://fornleifur.blog.is/blog/fornleifur/entry/1301961/
WUWM. 2014. Former Fashion Photographer Aims to Create 'New Standard of Beauty' Beyond Physical Differences. https://www.wuwm.com/podcast/lake-effect-segments/2014-04-04/former-fashion-photographer-aims-to-create-new-standard-of-beauty-beyond-physical-differences#stream/0
United Nations. ND. People With Albinism: Stories. https://albinism.ohchr.org/stories.html
Wendy Mothata. 2018. ‘It’s About Time We Treat People with Albinism as Human Beings not Ghosts’ SA People News. https://www.sapeople.com/2018/04/17/its-about-time-we-treat-people-with-albinism-as-human-beings-not-ghosts/
AP. 2015. ‘These albino children hunted in Africa will break your heart’ NY Post. https://nypost.com/2015/08/18/africas-hunted-albino-children-receive-new-limbs-new-hope/
BlackGirlWhiteSkin. 2015. Historic Art Installation at National Museum. https://medium.com/@nataliedevora/historic-art-installation-at-national-museum-e0ddbb383be1
Episode 22: What’s The History of Omens?
M Radford & E. Radford. 1947. Encyclopedia of Superstitions
Mark Menjivar. 2015. The Luck Archive. https://cargocollective.com/menjivar
Stuart A. Vyse. 1997. Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition.
Robert L. Park. 2008. Superstition: Belief in an Age of Science.
Michael Shermer. 1997. Why People Believe in Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition and Other Confusions of Our Time.
Torunn Selberg. 2010. ‘Taking Superstition Seriously.’ Folklore 114.3. 297-306.
Jan Fidrmuc. 2015. ‘Friday the 13th: The Empirics of Bad Luck. Kyklos 68.3. 317-334.#
Episode 20: What Are the Best Historic Ghost Stories?
HistoryExtra. 2016. Three Curious Medieval Ghost Stories. https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/3-curious-medieval-ghost-stories/
Matthew Joynes. 2001. Medieval Ghost Stories.
Sir Walter Scott. 1814. Illustrations of Northern Antiquities.
Andy Wright. 2014. Devil Dogs: The Mysterious Black Dogs of England. https://modernfarmer.com/2014/06/black-shuck/
The Suffolk Coast. The Legend of the Bungay Black Dog. https://www.thesuffolkcoast.co.uk/articles/the-legend-of-the-bungay-black-dog
Pliny the Younger. Ep7.27. http://vroma.org/vromans/hwalker/Pliny/Pliny07-27-E.html
Anna Green. 2015. The Screaming Skulls of England. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/70464/screaming-skulls-england
Joshua J. Mark. 2016. A Ghost Story of Ancient Egypt. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/964/a-ghost-story-of-ancient-egypt/
Roger Clarke. 2014. Ghosts: A Natural History.
Episode 17: Have Children Really Never Had It So Good?
(Incomplete references)
Lloyd DeMause. 1974. The History of Childhood.
Philippe Aries. 1962. Centuries of Childhood
Anna Davin. 1999. What Is A Child? in: Childhood in Question: Children, Parents and the State. ed. Anthony Fletcher and Stephen Hussey. 15-36.
Lindsey E. Jones. 2016. Intersectional Critiques of the Criminalization of Black Girls, Past & Present. https://www.aaihs.org/intersectional-critiques-of-the-criminalization-of-black-girls-past-present/
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. https://www.ohchr.org/en/professionalinterest/pages/crc.aspx
Paul Slack. 1988. Poverty and Policy in Tudor and Stuart England.
D. Toddman. 2007. Childbirth In Ancient Rome: From Traditional Folklore To Obstetrics. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 47, 82–85.
Tim Parkin .1992. Demography and Roman Society.
Roald Dahl. 1984. Boy: Tales of Childhood.
National Archives. Extracts from Lord Ashley’s Report 1842. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/victorianbritain/industrial/source4.htm
Robert Krulwich. 2012. Do You Know Where Your Children Are? Is That Always A Good Thing? https://www.npr.org/sections/krulwich/2012/10/01/162079442/do-you-know-where-your-children-are-is-that-always-a-good-thing?t=1626009602656
Episode 14: Why Did Christianity ‘Win’?
Very very incomplete!
Ramsey MacMullen. 1984. Christianising the Roman Empire (AD 100-400).
Bart Ehrman. 2018. The Triumph of Christianity; How a Forbidden Religion Swept the World
Ramey MacMullen and Peter Brown. 2011. The Tenacity of Paganism, NYRB https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2011/06/09/tenacity-paganism/
Catherine Nixey. 2018. The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World.
Episode 13: Did The Nazis Really Go Looking for the Lance of Longinus?
Eric Kurlander, 2017. Hitler’s Monsters: A Supernatural History of the Third Reich.
Eric Kurlander, 2017. A Song of Ice and Fire. https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/song-ice-and-fire
Peter Levanda, 2002. Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult.
Nicolas Goodridge-Clarke, 1985. The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology.
Episode 10: How Has Music Changed over History? ft. Dr Anna Scott.
Paleolithic flute made from a vulture bone
Hurrian hymn #6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBhB9gRnIHE
Ancient Greek music - the work of Armand D’Angour on reconstructing hymns and sections of dramatic chorus https://youtu.be/4hOK7bU0S1Y
Earliest surviving complete piece of composition is the Seikilos epitaph c.100ad from Turkey.
Indian Hindu vedic arts - the Samaveda - 1000BC - sections of the Rigveda set to a melody and chanted http://www.vedchant.com/Yajur.mp3
Chinese Xun - like egg flutes made of clay. Oldest are about 5000bc . https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3ARecording_of_Xun.ogg
Solitary Orchid in the Stone Tablet Mode - written for the guqin in 7thC AD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPqX2rgCAok
Synaulia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJLXyBzMci0
Musica Romana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC4KqvAhqFA
Music of the Middle Ages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgHzH5iDcGQ
Le Jeu De Robin Et Marion by Adam de le Halle, troubadour in the 13thC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCIx07t14jw
Hildegard of Bingen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei88J4lERbk
Hermann of Reichenau 11thC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Petits_Chanteurs_de_Passy_-_Salve_Regina_de_Hermann_Contract.ogg
John Dowland - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkRrzAo9Wl4
"A Newe Northen Dittye of ye Ladye Greene Sleves" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp86xtRUokA
Baroque: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLj_gMBqHX8
Classical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1FSN8_pp_o