Episode 32: Chinese Tickle Torture?

C.R. Harris 2013 'Tickling', in the Encyclopedia of Human Behaviour 2nd ed. - contains the amazing pretend robot tickling experiment. 
Racist tickle porn site: http://www.ticklingforum.com/archive/index.php/t-112908.html
Heinz Heger, 1994 The Men with the Pink Triangle.
Pictures of Death By 1000 Cuts and other info about actual tortures in China: https://www.chinasage.info/torture.htm
Some alleged examples of people being tickled to death/as a torture, most of which are nonense, but does include the Man Tickled Wife Mad text: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/alt.multimedia.tk/viHVc2KzwZk/gOoVL6aEwJYJ
Maxim Korolkov, 2011 ‘Arguing about Law: Interrogation Procedure under the Qin and former Han Dynasties” Etudes Chinoises 30. - Chinese torture documentation
Jonathan Spence, 1998. The Chan’s Great Continent: China in Western Minds.
Nancy Park, 2008. Imperial Chinese Justice and the Law of Torture. Late Imperial China, 29 (2) 37-67.Nancy Park, 2008. Imperial Chinese Justice and the Law of Torture. Late Imperial China, 29 (2) 37-67.
D. Jones. The Function of China in Western Social and Political Thought.
James Williams, 1893. The Function of Torture on Roman Law II. Law Review 5th Series 64.
Gavin Yamey. Review of Torture:European Instruments of Torture and Capital Punishment from the Middle Ages to the Present. BMJ 11th August 2001. 


Episode 33: The Age of Airships


Episode 31: Why did people drink so much beer in the middle ages?