Episode 33: The Age of Airships

One correction: I said that the waterpark is in a 1920s airship hanger but actually it's from an attempted 1990s revival! Apologies and thank you to Numenius arquata for updating me!


J. Duggan, H. Meyer. 2001. Airships in International Affairs 1890 - 1940 - legit the most boring book I’ve ever attempted to read.

Harold Dick, Douglas Robinson. 1985. The Golden Age of the Great Passenger Airships: Graf Zeppelin and Hindenburg - written by two people who worked on the Hindenburg

Robert Hedin (ed). 1998. The Zeppelin Reader: Stories, Poems, and Songs from the Age of Airships

Martin Van Creveld. 2011. The Age of Airpower

R.P. Hearne. 1910. Airships in Peace and War, 2nd edn.

Jeanne Marie Laskas. 2016. Helium Dreams: A new generation of airships is born. New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/02/29/a-new-generation-of-airships-is-born

Gregory K. H. Bryant 2010. A Very Brief History of Airships. Lightspeed http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/nonfiction/a-very-brief-history-of-airships/

Ian Castle. 2008. London 1914-17: The Zeppelin Menace.

Graf Zeppelin’s Round the World Journey 1929 Footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0sM5hMeqlo

British Pathe The Hindenburg Disaster explosion footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgWHbpMVQ1U

Herbert Morrison’s Eyewitness Reporting on the Hindenburg Disaster as it happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXO7mdBcA48

Gizmodo. 31 Images from the Golden Age of Airships https://gizmodo.com/31-photos-from-the-golden-age-of-airships-when-zepplin-1376407382


Episode 34: Was it better to be a hetaera than a wife in Athens?


Episode 32: Chinese Tickle Torture?