Emma Southon Emma Southon

Episodes 36 & 37: Chinese Dynasties, One by One

"The Dynasties Song"

This "dynasties song," sung to the tune of "Frère Jacques,"

can help students remember the major Chinese dynasties in chronological order.

Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han

Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han

Sui, Tang, Song

Sui, Tang, Song

Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic

Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic

Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong

— Courtesy of the teachers on the College Board AP-World History Listserv

Asia for Educators http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/timelines/china_timeline.htm#Chinese%20History

Valerie Hansen, 2000. The Open Empire: A History of China to 1600. 

Ancient Chinese Mummy: Uncovering The Most Well-Preserved Mummy in China - The Lady of Dai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPuJcSkx8Es

Patricia Buckley, 2005. The Cambridge Illustrated History of China. 

Haiwang Yuan, 2010. This is China: The First 5,000 YEars.

Denis Twitchett and John K. Fairbanks (1978-2002) The Cambridge History of China Vols 1-11. 

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Janina Matthewson Janina Matthewson

Episode 35: Did anyone expect the Spanish Inquisition?


Lu Ann Homza, 2006. The Spanish Inquisition, 1478-1614: An Anthology of Sources.

Helen Rawlings, 2006. The Spanish Inquisition.

John Edwards, 1992. ‘Why The Spanish Inquisition?’ Studies in Church History 29, 221-236.

Henry Kamen, 2014. The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision. 4th Edition.

Jennifer Kolpacoff Deane, 2011. A History of Medieval Heresy and Inquisition.

The Jewish Virtual Library. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-inquisition

Kimberly Lynne Hossain. 2007. Unravelling the Spanish Inquisition: Inquisitorial Studies in the 21st Century. History COmpass 5(4), 1280-1293.

James Maxwell Anderson. 2002. Daily Life During the Spanish Inquisition. 

And of course https://youtu.be/JMMrL0LOon0 

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Janina Matthewson Janina Matthewson

Episode 34: Was it better to be a hetaera than a wife in Athens?

Episode here: https://bit.ly/2RFN8zE 

Some sources here. A lot of the trials came from Demosthenes.  You can read Demosthenes Against Neaera here http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Dem.+59+1&redirect=true and Isaeus on Alke here http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0142%3aspeech%3d6 should you so wish. 

Allison Glazebrook. 2016. ‘Prostitutes, women, and gender in Ancient Greece’ in Women in Antiquity: Real women across the Ancient World, Edited by Stephanie Lynn Budin and Jean MacIntosh Turfa.
Jayoung Che. 2017. Citizenship and the Social Position of Athenian Women in the Classical Age. A Prospect for Overcoming the Antithesis of Male and Female. Athens Journal of History 3 (2), 97-118.
Sarah B. Pomeroy. 1975. Goddess, Whores, Wives and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity.
David M. Schaps. 1998. What Was Free about a Free Athenian Woman? Transactions of the American Philological Association 128, 161-188
Rebecca Futo Kennedy, 2015. Elite Citizen Women and the Origins of Hetarai in Classical Athens, Helios 42 (1), 61-79.
Edward E. Cohen. 2016. ‘The Athenian Businesswoman’, in Women in Antiquity: Real women across the Ancient World, Edited by Stephanie Lynn Budin and Jean MacIntosh Turfa.
Edward E. Cohen. 2016. Athenian Prostitution: The Business of Sex. 

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Janina Matthewson Janina Matthewson

Episode 33: The Age of Airships

One correction: I said that the waterpark is in a 1920s airship hanger but actually it's from an attempted 1990s revival! Apologies and thank you to Numenius arquata for updating me!


J. Duggan, H. Meyer. 2001. Airships in International Affairs 1890 - 1940 - legit the most boring book I’ve ever attempted to read.

Harold Dick, Douglas Robinson. 1985. The Golden Age of the Great Passenger Airships: Graf Zeppelin and Hindenburg - written by two people who worked on the Hindenburg

Robert Hedin (ed). 1998. The Zeppelin Reader: Stories, Poems, and Songs from the Age of Airships

Martin Van Creveld. 2011. The Age of Airpower

R.P. Hearne. 1910. Airships in Peace and War, 2nd edn.

Jeanne Marie Laskas. 2016. Helium Dreams: A new generation of airships is born. New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/02/29/a-new-generation-of-airships-is-born

Gregory K. H. Bryant 2010. A Very Brief History of Airships. Lightspeed http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/nonfiction/a-very-brief-history-of-airships/

Ian Castle. 2008. London 1914-17: The Zeppelin Menace.

Graf Zeppelin’s Round the World Journey 1929 Footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0sM5hMeqlo

British Pathe The Hindenburg Disaster explosion footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgWHbpMVQ1U

Herbert Morrison’s Eyewitness Reporting on the Hindenburg Disaster as it happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXO7mdBcA48

Gizmodo. 31 Images from the Golden Age of Airships https://gizmodo.com/31-photos-from-the-golden-age-of-airships-when-zepplin-1376407382

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Janina Matthewson Janina Matthewson

Episode 32: Chinese Tickle Torture?

C.R. Harris 2013 'Tickling', in the Encyclopedia of Human Behaviour 2nd ed. - contains the amazing pretend robot tickling experiment. 
Racist tickle porn site: http://www.ticklingforum.com/archive/index.php/t-112908.html
Heinz Heger, 1994 The Men with the Pink Triangle.
Pictures of Death By 1000 Cuts and other info about actual tortures in China: https://www.chinasage.info/torture.htm
Some alleged examples of people being tickled to death/as a torture, most of which are nonense, but does include the Man Tickled Wife Mad text: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/alt.multimedia.tk/viHVc2KzwZk/gOoVL6aEwJYJ
Maxim Korolkov, 2011 ‘Arguing about Law: Interrogation Procedure under the Qin and former Han Dynasties” Etudes Chinoises 30. - Chinese torture documentation
Jonathan Spence, 1998. The Chan’s Great Continent: China in Western Minds.
Nancy Park, 2008. Imperial Chinese Justice and the Law of Torture. Late Imperial China, 29 (2) 37-67.Nancy Park, 2008. Imperial Chinese Justice and the Law of Torture. Late Imperial China, 29 (2) 37-67.
D. Jones. The Function of China in Western Social and Political Thought.
James Williams, 1893. The Function of Torture on Roman Law II. Law Review 5th Series 64.
Gavin Yamey. Review of Torture:European Instruments of Torture and Capital Punishment from the Middle Ages to the Present. BMJ 11th August 2001. 

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Janina Matthewson Janina Matthewson

Episode 31: Why did people drink so much beer in the middle ages?

A few books and articles I read for this one.

The main two were standard books on the history of beer and ale: 

Ian Hornsey, 2003, A History of Beer and Brewing. RSC 

Richard Unger, 2004, Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Then a few articles and books on specific aspects:

Charles Bamforth, 2004, Beer: Health and Nutrition. Blackwell had a lot on beer as a health food in the middle ages, and defences of beer. 

Franz Meussdoerffer, 2009, A Comprehensive History of Beer Brewing, in Handbook of Brewing: Processes, Technology, Markets, ed. HM Ersslinger.

Eline Poelmans and Johan Swinnen, A Brief Economic History of Beer in The Economics of Beer, ed. JFM Swinnen. 

This is Tofi Kerthjalfadsson's 1998 experiments in making authentic medieval beer while trying to to give himeself lead poisoning (wimp).  https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pwp/tofi/medieval_english_ale.html

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Janina Matthewson Janina Matthewson

Episode 28: Lebensborn






Olsen, Kare, 2005. Under the Care of Lebensborn: Norwegian War Mothers and Their Children in Children of World War II: The Hidden Enemy Legacy edited by Kjersti Ericsson, Eva Simonsen

Dorothee Schmitz-Köster, A Topic for Life: Children of German Lebensborn Homes in Children of World War II: The Hidden Enemy Legacy edited by Kjersti Ericsson, Eva Simonsen

Von Oelhafen, I and Tate, T. 2015. Hitler's Forgotten Children: A True Story of the Lebensborn Program and One Woman's Search for Her Real Identity.



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Janina Matthewson Janina Matthewson

Episode 27: Viking and Mongolian Women

Some secondary sources for the episode:

 Henenstierna-Jonson, C, et al. 2017.  'A female Viking warrior confirmed by genomics' American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164.4. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajpa.23308 

de Nicola, B.  2013. Ruling from tents: the existence and structure of women’ ordos in Ilkhanid Iran. In: Robert Hillenbrand; A.C.S. Peacock and Firuza Abdullaeva, eds. Ferdowsi, The Mongols and Iranian History: Art, Literature and Culture from Early Islam to Qajar Persia. London: I. B. Tauris, pp. 116-136.

De Nicola, B. 2010. Women’s Role and Participation in Warfare in the Mongol Empire. In: K. Klaus Latzel; S. Satjukow and F. Maubach, eds. Soldatinnen. Gewalt und Geschlecht im Krieg vom Mittelalter bis Heute. Paderborn: Schöningh, pp. 95-112.

De Nicola, B. 2018. Women in Mogol Iran: The Khatuns, 1206-1335. Edinburgh University Press.

Weatherford, J. 2010. The Secret History of the Mongol Queens. Penguin.

The Secret History of the Mongols in various languages  http://altaica.ru/e_SecretH.php 

Clover, C.J. "Regardless of Sex: Men, Women, and Power in Early Northern Europe," Speculum 68, no. 2 (Apr., 1993): 363-387.

Jesch, J. 1991. Women in the Viking Age. The Boydell Press. 

Diaz-Andreu, M and Sorenson, M.L.S. 1998. Excavating Women: A History of Women in European Archaeology. Routledge. 

Jochens, J. 1995. Women in Old Norse Society. Cornell University Press. 

Magnusdottir, A.G. 2008. Women and Sexual Politics in: S. Brink and N. Price, The Viking World. Routledge. 40-48. 

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