Episode 92: The History of Yugoslavia Part One
Leslie Benson. 2001. Yogoslavia: A Concise History.
Marie-Janine Calic. 2019. A History of Yugoslavia (trans. Dona Geyer)
Footage of the Assassination of Alexander 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R3dVZdFxxo
Episode 91: Why Are All Famous Chefs men?
Mary M. Farrell. 2021. A Critical Analysis of Gender Equality in the Chef Profession in Ireland. PhD Thesis. https://core.ac.uk/download/482671374.pdf
Tess de Rooij. 2022. This Is Gendered: Cook. https://thisisgendered.org/entry/cook/
Lois W. Banner. 1973. Why Women Have Not Been Great Chefs. South Atlantic Quarterly 72 (2). 198-212.
Raimundo G. Del Moral. 2020. Gastronomic Paradigms in Contemporary Western Cuisine: From French Haute Cuisine to Mass Media Gastronomy. Frontiers in Nutrition 6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6965057/
Jose Albors-Garrigos, Majd Haddiji and Purificacion Garcia-Segovia. 2020. Gender discrimination in haute cuisine: A systematic literature and media analysis. International Journal of Hospitality Management 89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102569
Jeffrey N. Brown. 2013. A Brief History of Culinary Arts Education in America. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education 17 (4). 47-54.
Deborah A. Harris and Patti Guiffre. 2015. Taking the Heat: Women Chefs and Gender Inequality in the Professional Kitchen.
Vivki A. Swinbank/ 2002. The Sexual Politics of Cooking: A Feminist Analysis of Culinary Hierarchy in Western Culture. Journal of Historical Sociology 15 (4). 464-494
Katie Rawson and Elliot Shore 2019. Dining Out. A Global History of Restaurants.
Pete Wells on the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. 2024.https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/07/dining/what-makes-a-50-best-restaurant.html
Pete Wells on Leaving Restaurant Reviewing. 2024. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/06/dining/pete-wells-how-restaurants-have-changed.html
Episode 90: What’s the Deal with Luddites?
Sale, Kirkpatrick. "The achievements of 'General Ludd': a brief history of the Luddites." The Ecologist, vol. 29, no. 5, Aug.-Sept. 1999, pp. 310.
David Taylor. 1988. Mastering Economic and Social History. Chapter 5: The Luddites.
Kevin Binfield (ed). 2004. The Writings of the Luddites.
Paul Dawson. 2023. The Battle Against the Luddites: Unrest in the Industrial Revolution during the Napoleonic Wars.
Charles River Editors. 2018. The Luddites: The History and Legacy of the English Rebels Who Protested against Advanced Machinery during the Industrial Revolution.
Steven E. Jones. 2013. Against Technology: From the Luddites to Neo-Luddism.
Episode 89: What’s the History of Teddy Bears?
Gary Cross. 2021. Kid’s Stuff: Toys and the Changing World of American Childhood.
Alice George. 2023. The Teddy Bear Was Once Seen as a Dangerous Influence on Young Children. Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/history-teddy-bear-once-seen-dangerous-influence-young-children-180983234/
National Park Service. 2023. The Story of the Teddy Bear. https://www.nps.gov/thrb/learn/historyculture/storyofteddybear.htm#:~:text=Morris%20Michtom%2C%20a%20Brooklyn%20candy,called%20it%20'Teddy's%20Bear'.
Steiff. A Legendary Invention: We Are The Inventors of the Teddy Bear. https://corporate.steiff.com/en/steiff-teddy/history/
Steiff. From the Past to the Present: The Steiff Story. https://corporate.steiff.com/en/company/history/
Michelle Brown. 2001. The Little History of the Teddy Bear. https://archive.org/details/littlehistoryoft0000brow/page/n7/mode/2up
Charles Moose (2016) Who Created Teddy? Teddy Bear and Friends Magazine March 2016. https://www.bearsandbuds.com/February2016/TB&FMar2016-p43-49.pdf
Pessamist’s Archive Newsletter Aug 7 2022. https://newsletter.pessimistsarchive.org/p/-pessimists-archive-newsletter
Louis Anslow July 13 2022.
Why “Great Replacement” Theories Tried to Cancel Teddy Bears. The Big Think https://bigthink.com/pessimists-archive/great-replacement-theory-teddy-bears/
Diane. D. Glave and Mark Stoll (eds). 2006. To Love the Wind and the Rain”: African Americans and Environmental History. p.ix
Donna Varga. 2009. Teddy’s Bear and the Sociocultural Transfiguration of Savage Beasts Into Innocent Children, 1890-1920. The Journal of American Culture, 32(2), 98–113.
From Brown, 2001.
Genuinely horrifying. From Brown, 2001.
Episode 88: What Really Happened in Catiline’s Conspiracy?
Sallust - The War of Catiline
Cicero Against Catilina https://www.attalus.org/cicero/catilina1.html
Pseudo-Sallust - Invective Against Cicero https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/e/roman/texts/sallust/pseudo/in_ciceronem*.html
Appian - Civil Wars Book 2 https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/e/roman/texts/appian/civil_wars/2*.html
Plutarch - Life of Cicero (from paragraph 10) https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Plutarch/Lives/Cicero*.html
Cassius Dio - Book 37: 24-42 https://penelope.uchicago.edu/thayer/e/roman/texts/cassius_dio/37*.html
Secondary Sources
The Story of Set and Horus: Catilina x Cicero - The CicxCat slash fic you’ve always wanted https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2839859/1/The-story-of-Set-and-Horus-Catilina-x-Cicero
Emperors of Rome Podcast series on the Conspiracy of Catiline. For much more background. Episode 1 here https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-ccxx-a-disordered-mind-the-catiline-conspiracy-i/id850148806?i=1000649275537
Tom Holland (2003) Rubicon: The Triumph and Tragedy of the Roman Republic.
Barbara Levick. (2015). Catiline.
Mary Beard (2015) SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome.
Episode 86: How Much of a Dick was Napoleon III?
Roger Price. 1997. Napoleon III and the Second Empire
Alan Strauss-Schom. 2012. Napoleon III: The Shadow Emperor.
James F. McMillan. 1991. Napoleon III.
WB Jerrold. 1875. The life of Napoleon III: Bonaparte Derived from state records, from unpublished family correspondence, and from personal testimony.
A Brief and Incomplete Timeline of the French Revolutionary History
Storming of the Bastille
Louis XVI executed by the National Convention. Start of the First Republic.
June 1793
The Reign of Terror begins led by Robespeirre
October 1793
Marie Antoinette executed
Fall of Robespierre
The Directory overthrow The Convention
Napoleon overthrows Directory and replaces it with The French Consulate. Napoleon is First Consul
Napoleon declared emperor and crowned in Paris. Start of First Empire.
Napoleonic Wars
Napoleon forced to abdicate and exiled to Elba. End of First Empire.
Louis XVIII returned to the throne. Monarchy Returns.
Napoleon escapes from Elba, takes power in France, defeated at Waterloo, exiled again.
Louis XVIII back on the throne by July.
King Louis XVIII
(Napoleon dies 1821)
July Revolution. House of Bourbon overthrown, replaced with Louis-Philippe of the House of Orleans as king of France.The July monarchy;.
February Revolution. L-P forced to abdicate. Second Republic installed with universal male suffrage.
December 1848
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte takes new role of President of the French Republic.
Louis Napoleon crowns himself Napoleon III of France, ending the Second Republic and beginning the Second Empire
Napoleon III exiled after French-Prussian war. End of Second Empire. Start of Third Republic. Paris Commune, then Presidency.
Episode 85: What Did the Ancient Romans Eat?
Pompeii Pizza Fresco https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/27/pompeii-fresco-find-possibly-depicts-2000-year-old-form-of-pizza
European Edible Dormouse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_edible_dormouse
Apicius https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Apicius/home.html
Petronius Satyricon https://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Latin/PetroniusSatyriconPartII.php
Galen, On the Properties of Foods (extract) https://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/samples/cam033/2002031066.pdf
Murphy, C., Thompson, G., & Fuller, D. Q. (2012). Roman food refuse: urban archaeobotany in Pompeii, Regio VI, Insula 1. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 22(5), 409–419.
John Wilkins and Robin Nadeau (2015) A Companion to Food in the Ancient World.
Mark Robinson and Erica Rowan (2015) Roman Food Remains in Archaeology and the Contents of a Roman Sewer at Herculaneum in John Wilkins and Robin Nadeau (eds) A Companion to Food in the Ancient World, 105-116
Javier Bermejo Meléndez, Juan M. Campos Carrasco (2023) Vivaria In Doliis. Ceramic Jars For Dormouse Fattening Found In Arucci. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 42 (3), 244-255
Sally Grainger (2006) Cooking Apicius: Roman Recipes for Today.
Patrick Faas. 2003. Around the Roman Table, including 150 Roman Recipes.
Acts of Paul and Thecla https://www.tonyburke.ca/wp-content/uploads/Acts-Paul-Thecla.pdf
Life of St Anthony the Great https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/2811.htm
Perpetua and Felicitas https://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/perpetua.html
Herbert Musurillo 1972. The Acts of the Christian Martyrs. Introduction, Text and Translations.
Episode 83: What’s the Deal with the Borgias?
Listener Survey: https://forms.gle/78wMyX42uQvpHf1Y8
Paul Strathern 2019. The Borgias: Power and Fortune.
G.J. Meyer. 2013. The Borgias: A Hidden History.
Christopher Hibbert. 2003. The Borgias and Their Enemies, 1431-1519
Eulàlia Duran. 2008. The Borja Family: Historiography, Legend and Literature. Catalan Historical Review 1. 63-79
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince https://apeiron.iulm.it/retrieve/handle/10808/4129/46589/Machiavelli%2C%20The%20Prince.pdf
The Borgias Family Horrible Histories Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1ADwv2A1wg
Episode 82: What Makes the Dark Ages ‘Dark’?
Listener survey link: https://forms.gle/78wMyX42uQvpHf1Y8
Eleanor Janega Going Medieval Blog
James Hammam. 2010. God's Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science
Voltaire. In Praise of Reason. Trans. Adi. S. Bharat. https://www.bu.edu/pusteblume/8/issue-1-bharat-translating-voltaire.htm
Theodor Mommsen. 1942. Petrarch’s Conception of the ‘Dark Ages’. Speculum 17 (2), 226-42
Janet L. Nelson. 2007. The Dark Ages. History Workshop Journal 63, 191-203.
Arnaldo Marcone. 2008. A Long Late Antiquity? Considerations on a Controversial Periodization. Journal of Late Antiquity. 1 (1), 4-19
Peter Toohey. 2003. The Cultural Logic of Historical Periodisation. In The Handbook of Historical Sociology, edited by Gerard Delanty and Engin F. Isin, 209-220.
John Frederick Logan. 1972. The French Philosophes and Their Enlightening Medieval Past. Rice Institute Pamphlet - Rice University Studies 58 (4) https://repository.rice.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/f1c847f6-70ff-4b75-8eae-93d9aac86e57/content